
Friday, 22 August 2014

Whoops - Hopping back on the wagon!

Wow. Crazy two weeks - have hardly opened the blog page since #edchatnz. Don't actually have a purpose in mind right now - Just need to get the words flowing so that I can get to the blogging and reflecting on things over the past couple weeks. I did take some photos so hopefully that'll trigger my memory.

I've been doing some new projects, assessing all my seniors as all their portfolio pieces come up for final submission, going slightly loopy with darling Miss 6's birthday party and darling Miss 1 having a breathing difficulty. Barely come up for air; and if it was it was only to argue my point about what suite I want to use at school (Go GAFE!)

As usual with so many things going on, my words have rescinded into the backs of nowhere, not even talking to friends, family getting minimal words; enjoying the silence of internals because it means I don't have to talk to my students either, for most of the day. Oo - bad teacher; did I just say that? Ah well. It is what it is at the end of the day. Sometimes we just fall down and forget about everything that is unnecessary to the day to day running of our little kingdoms.

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