Steve Mouldey
Session Notes
Creativity is something that can be developed and worked on
Can computers Keep secrets?
Creative confidence
A more beautiful question - the power of the questions that you ask
Kids are naturally curious and creative
As they grow up and get older, that quickly disappears - the way they look at the world
Little children look for every single thing, they notice everything
How do we keep the whole idea of noticing everything out there
No matter how many answers you give a small child, they can still find more questions
Trying to find the mundane task a little more interesting
Creativity enables you to create change in the world around you
Curiosity enables students to find their own learning paths.
Delve deep into what you value really strongly
Creativity helps you to create change in the world
Creative + Innovative thinking = change.
Depending on our experiences, our learning journies will go in different directions.
As long as they're doing the learning, what does it matter what method they're using to get there.
Get the students used to whatever they want to use
Problem solving - what is the most important problem?
Most important part of problem solving is problem finding.
By valuing what the students want to do builds the confidence for taking the risks.
Giving them full choice of modes gives confidence to start journey and take risks.
Try not - Do or Do not; there is no 'try'.
Do it, if it doesn't work, pick it up and try again.
30 circles starter
Question generator
what do you want to know - the hardest thing to do is start - so get them used to starting.
That's what the 30 circles does - helps get the starting process going.
Need to get through starting to get to the really deep questions
Little silly tasks to get things started can have quite powerful impacts later on
Creativity no matter what subject you're in.
Questions are a way of unlocking creativity
Design Thinking
Empathy, Action, Radical Collaboration
Clumsy solutions
Get something going - you can work it through it to elegant as you go
Creativity is a team sport
Important to have a group of people to bounce ideas off of.
By sharing the idea you're getting a whole lot of other perspectives on it that can help bring you through to that breakthrough.
Find that group of people who can help you with your ideas
Importance for creativity of working with other people.
Reverse Mentoring
People come in and are paired up with older, more experienced teachers.
Often it should be the other way around - those with fresher eyes can see things that older teachers could be reminded of.
Critical Friends who meet 2-3 weekly
The two words together are really important - supportive and challenging
Completely separate to appraisal.
Critical Friendship is forward-looking - where am I going, where do I want to be?
The people make the place, not the environment.
Experiments are to try new things - not to solve a problem we already know the answer to.
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