
Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Maui's Dolphins - Co-Construction Day 5

Year 10

Today I explicitly taught language features of visual text using Hectors and Mauis Dolphins Appeal by William Trubridge. The students had to identify 5 different language features and explain what their purposes were. We found:
Lighting / Colour: Negative connotation of blue is sadness and despair
Non-Diagetic Music: Engages melancholy emotions emphasising despair
Monologue: Trubridge uses words such as 'dwindling toward extinction'. Vocal expression: serious, melancholy.
We talked about how these three particular techniques built on each other to emphasise the message each was making. For example, the director would know exactly what the colours are underwater, and would have used those to his advantage.

We also found:
Archived footage
Cut Away
On Screen text

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