
Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Maui's Dolphins Co-Construction Day 2

Year 9s

They have chosen to watch the film first, so today's lesson was watching Dolphin's Tale.

Year 10s

They are showing the difference between having had an introduction to co-construction and not. This class has done plenty of independent learning tasks this year, but I haven't co-constructed anything with them. They are finding it difficult to co-construct the entire unit. We are now focusing on the research project. We talked today about the different ways they might like to present the information that they learn in the project. The students know what they Have-To-Do and they know that they can choose to present their information in a method that matches a Have-To-Do or they can present it in a way that they want to.

They have contributed the information to the research task, and have started doing a broad-sweep of the information. I have pulled all their ideas in and written the task for them, which I've shared on Drive as well as printing for those who need paper copies. I have given them a check list of tasks so that they can ensure they are covering everything they need to this term.

I have tweeted WWF NZ asking if they have any contacts who may be happy to skype with my classes.
I have asked if friends have any contacts of people who may be happy to skype, and mentioned to senior management the kids' ideas about going and seeing the the work on the ground.

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