Martin refers to fixed vs growth mindset
Automated thinking
Thinking - on the whole - we don't do a lot of it.
When you have to think, it burns nutrients.
Focused thinking
Taking place in the front of the brain - slow, effortful, uncertain
We expect students to come to school and do this 6 periods a day
The brain is not designed for thinking, it's designed to save you from having to think, because the brain is not very good at thinking.
Default mode is not focused thinking
**cf Twitter chat. Add it in
Learning can fade very quickly
(Or why learning is a pain)
Why procrastination arises and how to addresss it
- brain interprets undesirable action as pain
- but if you start, after a short amount of time the feeling fades
- "the hardest part of doing anything is starting"-- my dad.
Turn on a timer for 25 minutes
No interruptions
Short Term and Long Term Memory
Memory palace
Using analogies or metaphors
Recall, including outside the classroom
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